Former US Navy pilot Dan Bozung graduated from the Harvard Business School and took what should have been a seamless civilian transition and skillfully crafted it into a series of bungled misadventures that left him chastened, defeated, and a complete asshole. 

What the hell happened? How could someone with every possible advantage upon entering the private sector screw it up so royally?  That is precisely what Bozung seeks to find out in This Civilian Sh*t Is Hard. In concise, honest prose, he examines the epic collision of unrealistic expectations, poor choices, and bad luck that produced his hapless career odyssey. 

Comical.  Infuriating.  Incisive. This Civilian Sh*t Is Hard is a cautionary tale for transitioning veterans and a rally cry for those doing hard time in the corporate cubicle, struggling to find their way in today’s workplace. 

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